Natalie Comes Home!

Our journey to adopting our daughter from China. A hundred years from now it will not matter what size my bank account was or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different, because I was important in the life of a child.

March 03, 2006

There's no place like home...

From Dad:

Glenda the Good Witch had it right. "There's no place like home."

After almost 2 years, over 35,000-some air miles between the 3 of us, bus rides and quite a few tears here and there, we're home. And yep, there's no place like like it.

As much as we enjoyed the journey, the sights and delights of China - there's nothing like coming home. So home we are, the three of us. And it feels right to finally be a family.

The cats met their new sister yesterday and the dog met her today. Natalie seems thrilled with her new 4-legged siblings.

That's it for now - more pix and stories to come this weekend.

Heartfelt thanks go out to my family, friends and co-workers who wished us much luck and love and without whose support this blessed event wouldn't have been possible.

- Natalie's Dad


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